Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"A tribute to “Devlin,” the most depressing cartoon in the world" Via: Geek Six
Deploy the chute! Via: Sporting Sails
To Mario with love: Creating the Turtle Shell Racer with Thingiverse
Buried Wheelchair Motorcycle At the Chester Museum of Transportation. Via: Helga's Lobster Stew
Anwar, a street vendor, transports beds for sale using his motorcycle at Glagahharjo village, near Yogyakarta July 4, 2011. Anwar said he can travel about 40 km through a few villages a day while selling the beds and can earn 200 thousand rupiah ($23.50) a week. Via:
Via: 1stdibs
"In 1920, Nurse Radburn of Swanscombe, U.K. was provided with a motor cycle by the people of her district. Later, in the Nursing journal: Queen’s Nurses’ Magazine, adverts for scooters, motocycles and motorcycle attachments began to appear".....Via:

The art of Rafael Nazario
The designs of Austin Rucker

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The story of "Justice" The Fire-breathing Dragon/Motorcycle. Via:
Cool defined. Via: The Vorhese blog
Guy 'Grundy' Spagnoli. Via: The surfing walk of fame
Good dog: Dog Carts and the Extinction of Memory. Via: Terrierman's Daily Dose
Shrouded. By Samm Bennett
L'enfant Dirigible. Via: L.A. Weekly
The art of Denis Polet
Between 1964 and 1966, Carlos Caggiani visited 26 countries on his 1947 Indian Chief motorcycle. His two year adventure is the subject of a book, "Huellas y Horizontes" (Tracks and Horizons). Via:
Via: 66 supa
By Greg Land. Via:
70's Eldon Poweride Trike.
"Vapor Chase" By Mitch Loidolt
On a pale horse. Via:
Shinto priest Oosawa Harutaka has two religions. Via: Nippon News
Wrapped scooter By Christo 1964. Via: Motorcycle Culture
(Artist unknown)