Monday, September 15, 2008

Comics: Thunderiders-Team America.

comics will rot your brain-here's the proof: Thunderiders/Team America
"Thunderiders, originally known as Team America, is a fictional superhero/motorcycle team from the Marvel Comics. They first appeared in Captain America #269 (May 1982) as Team America and were created by J. M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck.
picts via: comicvine

The mothers of James McDonald, Wolf, Winthrop Roan Jr., Leonard Hebb and Luke Merriweather were exposed to mutagenic agents by the terrorist organization HYDRA as part of an experiment known as Project: New Genesis. HYDRA hoped to create mutant children which could later be trained as super-agents. The project was apparently unsuccessful for all test subjects other than these five.

"The Dark Rider", aka "The Marauder"

Honcho, Wolf and Reddy initially came together at the first "Unlimited Class Racing" event in Daytona Beach, Florida. Unknown to them, they had first manifested their collective self, a masked motorcyclist dressed in black and known as The Marauder (above), who was also known as the Dark Rider, a few days earlier. The Marauder invaded a HYDRA facility and destroyed the files on the five. Deducing the subjects of the missing files, HYDRA set out to assassinate Honcho, Wolf and Reddy in the belief that one of them was the Marauder.

Each of them escaped the assassination attempt and, having each received a note from the Marauder stating their destinies were linked, decided to band together as Team America. They entered and won their first competition, and moments later foiled an attempt by HYDRA to steal an advanced guidance system from another team.

The five original members of the Thunderiders are mutants. They have no powers which function individually, but collectively have the power to project their strength, skills and knowledge onto another party without diminishing their own skills in the process. The person, who retains no memory of having been the recipient, is transformed into a black-clad motorcyclist known as The Marauder. Initially the Thunderiders had no conscious control either over the manifestation of the Marauder or the person upon whom it was manifested. Training by Professor Xavier gave them greater control.

The Thunderiders are all expert motorcycle riders."

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