Monday, July 6, 2009

ladies love the Autoped...

Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson’s started out as the Marks Motorscooter . Copies were produced under license in Germany by Krupp and in Czechosovakia by CAS. In Great Britian a version was produced by Douglas.

In America it was marketed as the Ever Ready Autoped. The scooter was powered by a 155cc single cylinder engine and weighed in at 96lbs. The construction was unusual in that it was fabricated using stamped sheet metal and steel plates rather than the tubing construction of bicycles and motorcycles.

To operate the scooter, the rider pushed forward on the handlebar to engage the clutch, pull back midway and you are free wheeling. Pull all the way back to engage the front brake. There was no rear brake. Autoped manufactured their own red pneumatic tires. With a price of $100 it was not inexpensive.

The ad artists kind of drew their version of the scooter, the ladies must have been riding into a strong wind, top speed was only 10 mph.

Via: The St Louis Scooter Club.

1 comment:

Ron Payne said...

Very cool. Might these be the original Scooter Girls?