Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The “Migrant Skyscraper” by Designers: Damian Przybyła and  Przybyła is a literally mobile, a giant, thin tire with a building and green space in the center. The concept behind the structure is in an unstable world, people need the stability of self-sufficiency to truly be free, and the future of architecture can help provide that. By constructing a safe haven for residents ensures they will have food to eat and water to drink, the Migrant Skyscraper affords people freedom despite what natural and social disasters may come.
The building-inside-a-wheel can stay stationary for however long residents please, but, for example, if political upheaval destabilizes a region, residents can fire up the biofuel-powered engine and cruise to a new location. The structure’s exterior tire is clad in recycled rubber. Inside two buildings and surrounding green space provide everything residents need to survive, making the tire-encapsulated unit completely self-sufficient. Outside of the buildings there’s space for agriculture, including crops and livestock; within the tire, plumbing systems circulate potable, gray and black water for drinking, waste facilities and irrigation.

          Via: Yanko design

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