Thursday, June 14, 2012

BikeBorgs are a theoretical cycling subculture that combine aspects of cyberpunk and DIY hardware-hacking with individually modified bikes. Like The Borg of Star Trek fame, the BikeBorgs combine themselves with their machines, but these cyclists aim to explore the “possibilities and challenges of a bicycle-human hybrid,
The concept came from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design which theorized that mega-cities such as London and New York would inevitably be populated by millions of cyclists. These cyclists also form bike-focused subcultures and the BikeBorgs are just one example of this, albeit a group that infuse their clothing with a cyberpunk edge.
It is not just about clothing however. The BikeBorgs are also ‘physically’ connecting to their bike, allowing them to transfer data and energy between themselves and their transport. The whole partnership creates a self-sustaining system as the bike generates energy from the rider in the form of body heat and cycling power. 
Implementing open-source hardware and software, the BikeBorg riders also adapt their bikes with a multitude of sensors and actuators to cater to a variety of needs. Among the theorized modifications include sensors that measure the level of pollutants that the individual has been exposed to or adding lights to enhance hand signals.
No matter what the future holds for cyclists, The Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design has at least given us some ideas..."

         Via: Inhabitat  (Thanks for the tip bro!)

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