Monday, December 29, 2008

Steve Gaskey's Drag Bike.

Via: Cerro Coso Colledege

“During the period between November 11, 1995 and September 28, 1996, I (Steve Gaskey ) conceived, designed, and constructed a one-passenger vehicle. My goal was to design a fully operational, two-wheel, man-powered vehicle which would travel 100 miles per hour. I imagined this vehicle as extremely lightweight, streamlined, and similar in construction to both a bicycle and a dragster.

Once the project was conceived, I was compelled to realize it. I set the goal of completing the vehicle to run at the Winter Nationals. Due to a multitude of unforeseen mechanical complications, the vehicle’s expected date of completion could not be met. I know now that the accomplishment of constructing the car had become for me the essential experience. I had already realized the most elaborate fantasy of my life. Driving the vehicle as a performance was not important after the ordeal of bringing it into existence.

The vehicle is not completely engineered: most of the parts are hand made, and many of the decisions in design and construction were based on hunches. As I worked, I kept all the sketches and drawings as a record of the progress. Displayed with the vehicle, they become documentation of the construction. The vehicle and drawings represent a vision – my fantasy as an artist of what a vehicle should be.”


terraroot said...

looks to me like it would be impossible to drive in any situation. especially in a drag race.

Anonymous said...

id like to know just how he intends to steer it with that tyre you need to use your body wieght transfer to steer those things