Matt Painter, and Concept artist Benoit Ladouceur shows us these quad bike designs from a project only referred to as " Premium Sound" You can see the rest of his word at his website.
Matt Painter, and Concept artist Benoit Ladouceur shows us these quad bike designs from a project only referred to as " Premium Sound" You can see the rest of his word at his website.
Train Employees at the SP&S coach yard in Northwest Portland pose on a Excelsior motorcycle in 1915. Via: Historic Photo Archive
A fully functioning Vespa engine used for trade and technical schools. Complete with stand and even a drip tray for carpeted floors.
Via: Itrademarket Priority
Pict Via: Random acts of GeekeryThe 1978 commercial for the Kenner TTP Dual Launch Drag Set featuring the Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Bigfoot.
"She parks her trike next to a Harley Davidson, carefully dismounts with her accordion and croons a sad, sweetly funny song about a sailor… or a girl… a small crowd gathers, beaming her beatific smile back at her. At the end of her ditty the cat/lady/man graciously curtsies, accepting coins and small bills from all of us, then gets back on her tricycle and pedals away, cackling insanely. She is an irresistible creature. The cheers and applause continue long after her waving form has disappeared around the corner."
Via: Coilhouse
Edwin Conan ( Yi Yuan ) has succeeded in designing a concept air-fueled bike dubbed the Green Speed Air Powered Motorcycle. It is not an utterly novel concept for we have heard of compressed air powered vehicles before, but this motorcycle has overcome a couple of problems faced by previous concepts — short range and low speed.
Edwin combined with his lecturer and a team of design students to give it a form. He chucked the guts of a Suzuki GP100 from the 1970s into the bin and just used its frame, wheels and brakes.
The engine used to grind this machine is an invention of a Melbourne based engineer, Angelo Di Pietro. It is lightweight and runs on air compressed from two compressed air tanks on the bike. It revs up 10,000 RPM thereby eliminating the need of a gearbox, bringing only a single gear (sprocket bolted directly to the axis of the engine and chained to the rear wheel) into use."
Via: Greenpacks
The De Lackner Aerocycle is not only the ultimate in one-man flying machines, but also the ultimate in aerial safety.
Since the operator stands on a tiny platform with a pair of naked helicopter blades whirling beneath him at food-processor speeds there is a great inducement not to fall off.
Via: Flying Solo
A (rather natty) rider oh his Royal Enfield Model L circa, 1920/19300 Scandinavia. Via: Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society
Andrew Carey Lincoln's 1912 series with Jack, Budge & Freckles on their motorbikes. Via: jotor's photostream
The Hondells were a group formed by producer Gary Usher using studio musicians. They recorded and released Brian Wilson's "Little Honda" in 1964, before the Beach Boys did, and it was a hit. Via: Honda Super Cub.