Monday, November 30, 2009

Cinematographer Bill Bennett and precision motorcycle driver, Rick Miller with a motorcycle mounted Sparrow Head camera.
See Also: Raptor Cam
Game on-Fallen Earth.

Fallen Earth is an MMO developed by North Carolina-based Icarus Studios LLC .The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland located around the American Grand Canyon.
Thanks to John for the tip!
Sunday, November 29, 2009

"The Scooter Patrol for Annihilation of Zombies (or S.P.A.Z). is America's fastest-growing grass-roots zombie preparedness scooter group. Only diligent research and planning - and scooters - can save America from the zombie menace."
Via: Scootmoto Via: Scooter Scoop
Saturday, November 28, 2009

"As popular as the classic 1950's jukeboxes by Rock-Ola are, few know that this company once built motor scooters during the 1930's and 40's as well. This Chicago based company, whose classic jukeboxes sometimes sell for thousands of dollars also was a builder of some now very rare motor scooters sought out by collectors. Strangely, the 1 horsepower engine that powered some of the Rock-Ola motor scooters was called the "Iron Horse"
Via: Wizbang Blue
Friday, November 27, 2009

"The Motor Simulation improves safety for motorcycle riders. It’s cutting-edge technology and the experience of it’s management team has designed and build a fully-interactive, high-definition graphics simulator with a fully movable, reactive motion base that simulates riding a motorcycle in real-time, base upon the parameters of physics and not a gaming engine."
Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Douglas built dirt track bike at the Kingswood factory late 1920s. It had 3 gears but no clutch. Fred Fearnley's Douglas dirt track model has bigger tyres that were available as an option. The engine here has no protection. Not a good idea if you are about to take the bike onto a dirt track."
Via: brizzle born and bred's photostream

Vickie Hearnshaw and Bex Morris, created this bra for the Bizarre Bra section of the 2008 World of Wearable Art show in Wellington N.Z. and has been given to the Southland Museum and Art Gallery. Inspiration for the design was The World's Fastest Indian movie, with the bra constructed entirely out of motorcycle parts. Materials used include spark plugs, brake pads, fuel tank, an oil filter, lights and springs. Altogether the bra weighs about 3kg.
Via: The Southland Times
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Richmond Labs Cheetah trike uses a Fuel-Injected, Corvette LS-1, Mid-Engine V-8 mated to a Electronic 4L60E 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with a Aluminum Body.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Seriously, the guy carries 50 guns, wears an awesome costume, rides a cool motorcycle, and shoots giant rabbits in the face--why isn't the Vigilante the most popular character in history?"
Via: Doctor-K's
From the Earth to the Moon.

The 2010 Motorcycle Cannonball is an endurance challenge going coast to coast on road registered Pre-1915 motorcycles. The bikes must be powered by an original engine (updates can be made for safety sake), but the core of the motorcycle must be 95 years old or older.
Following the spirit of George Wyman's the 1902 ride the event starts in Kitty Hawk N.C on Sept 10 and ends in Santa Monica, Calif on Sept 25. Only the strong, the brave, the technically apt and the slightly mad need apply.

A motorcycle is a another victim of the landslide in Padang Pariaman in Indonesia's West Sumatra's province. Via: Global National
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